The Race and the Team

The Three Peaks Yacht Race involves sailing 389 nautical miles, running 59 miles and cycling 30 miles in a week – sailing from Barmouth on Saturday 19th June, via Caernafon to climb Snowdon; Whitehaven to climb Scafell Pike and finally to Fort William to climb Ben Nevis.

Helsby Running Club members Phil Gillard, Jackie Keasley and boat owner and captain Trevor Murphy will do all the running and cycling and also act as deck hands. Businessmen John Bailey and Richard Stone will sail the team’s yacht, Josephine –a Beneteau Oceanis 40 and one of the largest of the 23 boats in the race – through some of the trickiest waters of the Welsh, English and Scottish west coasts, navigating sandbanks, tidal streams, rocks and whirlpools.

Important - see "How you can help" below

Tuesday 22 June 2010

The end of a great day

Tue 22nd June - 23:00

Last post of the day, the group of 7 boats with the Silver Surfers in the middle have left Whitehaven about 15 miles behind. Now it's the long sail up to Fort William. The results given on the official website are still well behind the current status, so only a few of the numbers make any sense. Hopefully it will be up to date by tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. John, I can see big jump ahead. Well done, go on. Petr
