The Race and the Team

The Three Peaks Yacht Race involves sailing 389 nautical miles, running 59 miles and cycling 30 miles in a week – sailing from Barmouth on Saturday 19th June, via Caernafon to climb Snowdon; Whitehaven to climb Scafell Pike and finally to Fort William to climb Ben Nevis.

Helsby Running Club members Phil Gillard, Jackie Keasley and boat owner and captain Trevor Murphy will do all the running and cycling and also act as deck hands. Businessmen John Bailey and Richard Stone will sail the team’s yacht, Josephine –a Beneteau Oceanis 40 and one of the largest of the 23 boats in the race – through some of the trickiest waters of the Welsh, English and Scottish west coasts, navigating sandbanks, tidal streams, rocks and whirlpools.

Important - see "How you can help" below

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Progress on Wednesday

Wed 23rd June - 17:00

Looks like about 5 boats have arrived in Fort William. Silver Surfers are making steady progress together with their pack of boats who left Whitehaven yesterday evening. The picture below shows just their group. As you may have guessed, had to take a bit of time off to watch another sporting event. Meanwhile, I hope our crew have been concentrating on the sailing.

The Results at the Three Peaks Yacht Race website now appears to be up to date as far as the Snowdon and Scafell Legs go. As I understand it, the “Pos” column in the middle of the table is for the sailing leg, and the “Pos” column at the right is for the total sailing and running in that leg, so is not the overall position by the time you get to leg 2.

1 comment:

  1. 2030hrs on Wed. They must be really cursing now as the wind has dropped and the tide is pushing them back down again. At least they have a few yachts with them to share the disappointment. I hope they have enough food to keep them going as it could be another 16-20hrs before they get to Corpach. Everyone give them a big cheer to boost their morale!
